Voorbeeld fragment
Yoga nidra 12-18 year old
Satyananda yoga nidra, made suitable for teenagers. Femmy has trained extensively in this field. It is very important that yoga nidra’s are suitable for the age group. Adult yoga nidra’s are not suitable for children and teenagers.
The practice can be done a t any time, instructions are clear. Once started, the practice must be completed, as it is important to finish with grounding. It is said that yoga nidra is equivelant to 4 hours sleep, which makes it especially suitable for teenagers who often have sleeping problems.
In a yoga nidra you are asked to make a positive intention, a sankalpa for yourself. This is most powerful as it is done in deep relaxation, so the subconscious can receive is.
If you have any questions, please email Femmy at info@kidsyoga.nl
This download is one complete yoga nidra and lasts about 20 minutes.
The cost is €6,50
As soon as payment is received the download will be available for you .